2024-2025 Student Health Insurance Plan

Spring Open Enrollment Deadline:  January 29, 2025

The Arizona Board of Regents Student Health Insurance Plan is administered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR).

Dependent coverage is not an available option. This plan is not available to Arizona Online students.

Eligibility & Enrollment

Fall & Spring Eligibility

Undergraduates must be taking at least 6 units. Seniors with less than 6 units (one-time exception) who are completing their final graduation requirements and who had the Student Health Insurance Plan the previous semester are also eligible (documentation from the academic advisor is required). 

Graduates must be in a degree or certificate program taking at least 3 units or 1 thesis/dissertation unit.

Graduate Non-Degree taking at least 9 units, or be accepted to a degree/certificate program (documentation of acceptance is required) and be taking at least 6 transferable units.

Eligibility Notes:

  • This plan is not available to Arizona Online students.
  • Students who are eligible for or enrolled under Medicare or Medicare Advantage are not eligible to enroll under this policy.
  • Students on a leave of absence, that are enrolled for zero (0) units, do not meet the eligibility requirement to enroll or continue on the plan.
  • This plan is available to Southern AZ & Distance Learner students.

Summer Eligibility

Summer students are eligible for the session they are showing at least 1 unit in (summer pre-session, 1st or 2nd session). Summer enrollment must be maintained through the entire eligibility period. For Summer enrollment/cancellation, submit a "Summer Enrollment/Cancellation" form securely. The Student Health Insurance Plan can only be added or cancelled during the published open enrollment.

  • College of Nursing Students: include your acceptance letter with your summer enrollment form. 
  • This plan is not available to Arizona Online students. Switching from Main Campus to Arizona Online makes you ineligible.

Fall & Spring Enrollment/Cancellation

During the Fall or Spring open enrollment period, students can enroll or cancel coverage through UAccess Student Center. Please follow the steps listed in the guides below.

Enrollment Guide

Cancellation Guide

  • If you experience a problem, contact the Campus Health Insurance Office at chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu or 520-621-5002.
  • The Student Health Insurance can only be added, cancelled, or changed during the published open enrollment.

Auto-Renewal Policy

Once enrolled, you will be automatically re-enrolled and billed the appropriate premium through the UA Bursar's office in future semesters (each fall and spring) within 3 business days of showing registration units, providing you meet eligibility. This also applies to students who have or had a Graduate Assistantship. If you wish to cancel coverage, you must do so during the published open enrollment.

Available Coverage Periods & Premiums

Fall (4.5 months)

Spring* (7.5 months)

Pre-Session Summer

Summer Sessions I & II

08/16/24 - 12/31/2401/01/25 - 08/15/2505/19/25 - 08/15/2506/01/25 - 08/15/25

Deadline to Enroll/Cancel




Session I - 06/23/25
Session II - 07/28/25






*Spring includes summer months.

Installment APPLICATIONs

Installment applications must be submitted during the Fall/Spring open enrollment period.

Qualifying Life Events

Certain qualifying life events will allow one to come onto the plan outside of an open enrollment providing arrangements are made no later than 30 days from the qualifying life event. If you wish to be prorated onto the plan, please send an email from your official UA email to our office, chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu, with the following information:

  • Request to be prorated onto the plan
  • Date of the Qualifying Life Event
  • Reason for the loss of coverage

Once received, we will send you a prorate application based on the information provided.


Our office sends out open enrollment notices each Fall and Spring semester through broadcast email. In compliance with the UA email policy, all open enrollment notices and information regarding the health care options are sent to the student's official UA email address (@arizona.edu). Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university-related communications.

  • You will also receive important plan notifications by email from the insurance carrier, UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR).

Eligibility Requirements

Graduate Assistants/Associates (GAs) have health benefits paid for by the University of Arizona, providing you are officially hired and have signed and filed a "Notice of Appointment" with the university prior to employment. GAs must be taking a minimum of 6 units of graduate credit. Once the hiring documents have been processed and you have enrolled for the Student Health Insurance Plan, the Graduate College will credit your Bursar account for the coverage period premium amount. You may view the Graduate College credit through UAccess Student Center.

GAs must enroll for coverage through UAccess by the deadline date in order to receive the Student Health Insurance Plan benefit.

Eligibility Notes:

  • This plan is not available to Arizona Online students.
  • GAs who are eligible for or enrolled under Medicare or Medicare Advantage are not eligible to enroll under this policy.
  • GAs on a leave of absence, that are enrolled for zero (0) units, do not meet the eligibility requirement to enroll or continue on the plan.
  • This plan is available to Southern AZ & Distance Learner students. 

Enrollment/Cancellation Instructions

During the Fall or Spring open enrollment period, GAs can enroll or cancel coverage through UAccess Student Center. Please follow the steps listed in the guides below.

For Summer enrollment or cancellation, you must submit an “Enrollment/Cancellation” form securely.

Enrollment Guide

Cancellation Guide

  • If you experience a problem, contact the Campus Health Insurance Office at chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu or 520-621-5002.
  • The Student Health Insurance can only be added, cancelled, or changed during the published open enrollment.

Auto-Renewal Policy

Once enrolled, you will be automatically re-enrolled and billed the appropriate premium through the UA Bursar's office in future semesters (each fall and spring) within 3 business days of showing registration units, providing you meet eligibility. This also applies to students who have or had a Graduate Assistantship. If you wish to cancel coverage, you must do so during the published open enrollment.

Available Coverage Periods & Premiums

Fall (4.5 months)

Spring* (7.5 months)

Pre-Session Summer

Summer Sessions I & II

08/16/24 - 12/31/2401/01/25 - 08/15/2505/19/25 - 08/15/2506/01/25 - 08/15/25

Deadline to Enroll/Cancel




Session I - 06/23/25
Session II - 07/28/25






*Spring includes summer months.

Qualifying Life Events

Certain qualifying life events will allow one to come onto the plan outside of an open enrollment providing arrangements are made no later than 30 days from the qualifying life event. If you wish to be prorated onto the plan, please send an email from your official UA email to our office, chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu, with the following information:

  • Request to be prorated onto the plan
  • Date of the Qualifying Life Event
  • Reason for the loss of coverage

Once received, we will send you a prorate application based on the information provided.


Our office sends out open enrollment notices each Fall and Spring semester through broadcast email. In compliance with the UA email policy, all open enrollment notices and information regarding the health care options are sent to the student's official UA email address (@arizona.edu). Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university-related communications.

  • You will also receive important plan notifications by email from the insurance carrier, UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR).


New 1st Year Medical Students have the option of enrolling for the full summer coverage period or the start date of their program. If you wish to enroll for summer coverage, please submit this "Enrollment/Cancellation" form with a copy of your acceptance letter to the Campus Health Insurance Office by the specified deadline.

  • Eligibility Note: Students who are eligible for or enrolled under Medicare or Medicare Advantage are not eligible to enroll under this policy.

Coverage Period Options

Pre-Medical Admissions Pathway

  • Coverage dates: 05/19/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $674.00
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 05/28/25

College of Medicine - Phoenix

  • Coverage dates: 07/07/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $302.80
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 07/07/25

Full Summer Coverage Period

  • Coverage dates: 06/01/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $576.00
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 06/23/25

College of Medicine - Tucson

  • Coverage dates: 07/21/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $196.82
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 07/21/25

Masters Medical Studies - Phoenix

  • Coverage dates: 07/07/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $302.80
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 07/07/25

Primary Care Accelerated Medical Program

  • Coverage dates: 07/14/25 - 08/15/25
  • Premium: $249.81
  • Deadline to enroll/cancel: 07/14/25

Auto-Renewal Policy

Once enrolled, you will be automatically re-enrolled and billed the appropriate premium through the UA Bursar's office in future semesters (each fall and spring) within 3 business days of showing registration units, providing you meet eligibility. This also applies to students who have or had a Graduate Assistantship. If you wish to cancel coverage, you must do so during the published open enrollment.

  • The Student Health Insurance can only be added, cancelled, or changed during the published open enrollment.

Qualifying Life Events

Certain qualifying life events will allow one to come onto the plan outside of an open enrollment providing arrangements are made no later than 30 days from the qualifying life event. If you wish to be prorated onto the plan, please send an email from your official UA email to our office, chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu, with the following information:

  • Request to be prorated onto the plan
  • Date of the Qualifying Life Event
  • Reason for the loss of coverage

Once received, we will send you a prorate application based on the information provided.


Our office sends out open enrollment notices each Fall and Spring semester through broadcast email. In compliance with the UA email policy, all open enrollment notices and information regarding the health care options are sent to the student's official UA email address (@arizona.edu). Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university-related communications.

  • You will also receive important plan notifications by email from the insurance carrier, UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR).

Visitor Enrollment

Post-Doctoral Fellows, J1 Visiting Scholars, and J1 Student Interns have the option to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan offered by the University of Arizona. This is a major medical insurance policy and is administered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR). Coverage extends nationwide and includes an emergency benefit worldwide. Under this plan, UA Campus Health serves as the assigned Primary Care Provider (PCP). 

Learn MORE

Review Insurance Policy

Insurance ID Cards

Your UHCSR insurance ID card can be printed 1 week prior to the effective date of coverage, in most cases. Visit www.uhcsr.com/arizona or download the UHCSR mobile app to establish your member account. If an error message appears, and you verified your enrollment through UAccess, try again in 3-5 days. ID cards will not be mailed unless requested through your UHCSR "My Account". You may also request a card by calling UHCSR Customer Service at 1-866-654-7445.

UHCSR Member Site

As a UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR) member, you have access to your UHCSR "My Account", complete with personalized claims and health information. Here you can view and print your ID card, view Explanation of Benefits (EOB), find participating providers, and much more. Visit www.uhcsr.com/arizona for additional services, discounts, and programs.

Additional UHCSR Resources & Benefits

  • HealthiestYou – Students insured by UHCSR have access to free Mental Health and General Medicine telehealth services through the HealthiestYou website or mobile app. Login to your UHCSR member account to view your benefits or visit www.uhcsr.com/hycounseling for more information. 
  • UHCSR Student Assist – Students can receive confidential assistance with personal issues and crises. Services include mediation, legal and financial help, self care, and 24/7 crisis support. The toll-free Student Assist phone number is available in your UHCSR member account under My Benefits (then click on "Additional Benefits"). 
  • How to Read an EOB – Learn how to read your UHCSR Explanation on Benefits (EOB). EOBs are documents from the insurance carrier that outline how services were covered and if there is a patient responsibility. EOBs are available through your UHCSR member account under My Claims
  • How to Submit a Claim – Did you visit an out-of-network provider or pick up a prescription from the pharmacy without providing your insurance information? You can submit medical and prescription claims to UHCSR through your member account. 

Contact Information

UA Campus Health – Student Insurance Office
Phone: (520) 621-5002  |  Fax: (520) 626-8616
Email: chs-insurance@distribution.arizona.edu
1224 E. Lowell Street • Tucson, AZ 85721 (2nd floor)
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8-4:30 & Wed 9-4:30 (closed 12-1)

Submit Securely

UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR)
Customer Service for Members: 1 (866) 654-7445
Website: www.uhcsr.com/arizona

UHCSR Patient Advocate for ABOR Universities
Laura Thomason, UHCSR Student Insurance Advocate
Email: arizonaadvocates@uhcsr.com