Data-Driven. Student Focused. Informed Decisions.

Our Data Philosophy
At Campus Health, we believe that data should be implemented to support the health and wellness all University of Arizona students. Our services and programs are all data-informed and continually evaluated. Campus Health’s evaluation team works with stakeholders within and outside of Campus Health to make sure we are collecting data on the most relevant and needed topic areas. From mental health, nutrition, body image, and sleep to emerging diseases and substance use, Campus Health collects functional data to be used across the University.
Health & Wellness Survey (HWS)
Campus Health has been surveying UA students on a range of health indicators for over 30 years. We use data from our Health & Wellness Survey to help improve programs throughout Campus Health, to share with other departments on campus, and to better improve the health of our community.
We collect the HWS survey in randomly selected classrooms each spring semester (mid-February to early March), with the support of UA faculty. It is administered digitally using Qualtrics in the classroom (in-person or over zoom), and on the D2L sites of asynchronous courses. We work hard to sample an accurate cross-section of UA students, to give us the most accurate picture of the health of our students possible.
- But wait – you didn’t survey everyone! How can I believe the data if only a small percentage of UA students take the survey?
In fact, the sample size we attain each year is well above what is needed to tell us, with good confidence, that what students are reporting reflects the behaviors of the student body as a whole. A quick sample size calculation shows that at a 95% confidence level, plus or minus 3% for margin of error, we would only need a sample of 1,041 for a population of 43,000. We typically get a sample of more than 4,000 (pre-cleaned data).
Health Topics Include:
- Mental Health
- Sexual Health
- Sleep
- Alcohol & Other Drug Use and Protective Factors
- General Wellness
- Use of Health Services
- COVID-19 Topics
- Demographics
- And more
2024 Health & Wellness Survey Results
2024 Health & Wellness Survey Results - Undergraduate Data Tables
2024 Quick Look Series

Health & Wellness Overall

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Mental Health

Sexual Health

Additional Student Health & Wellness Data
Program Evaluation
- Free Condom Friday 2023-2024
- Student Health Alcohol & Drug Education (SHADE) *coming soon
- The Buzz *coming soon
- Cooking on Campus *coming soon
@UAZCampusHealth Social Media Data
See how Campus Health's social media presence impacts students' health knowledge and behavior change.
Citing Us
We ask that you cite us should you reference the Health & Wellness Survey data. Please use the following:
University of Arizona Campus Health Service. (Year). Health and Wellness Survey Aggregate Report for Public Use - Weighted Undergraduate Report. Retrieved from
Note that as we add additional reports on the website, the name of the report cited will change depending on which report you are using.
Connect With Us
Our Evaluators would love to further the conversation with you in any or all of the following ways:
- Presenting to a class/student organization
- Presenting to a department
- Meeting one-on-one for a data deep dive
- Addressing Questions or concerns
Please contact: