To make an Immunizations appointment, call (520) 621-9202 or schedule with PatientLink.
- Cholera: This is a one-dose oral vaccine and is considered a lifetime vaccination (available only with a Travel appointment).
- COVID-19*: This is a seasonal vaccination and should be updated yearly.
- Hepatitis A: This is a 2-shot series, given over a 6-month period. This is considered a lifetime vaccination.
- Hepatitis B*: This is a 3-shot series, given over a 6-month period. For most, this is considered a lifetime vaccination. A 2-dose series is available for those who qualify.
- TwinRix: This Hep A+B combination vaccination is a 3-shot series, given over a 6-month period. This is considered a lifetime vaccination
- HPV*: It is given as a 3-shot series, over a 6-month period. This is considered a lifetime vaccination that protects against the human papillomaviruses that cause most cervical cancers, anal cancer, and genital warts.
- Influenza*: This is a seasonal vaccination and should be updated yearly.
- Japanese Encephalitis: This is a 2-dose series, given 7-28 days apart (this is available only with a Travel appointment).
- Meningococcal (MenACWY)*: This is considered effective protection against meningitis caused by serogroups A, C, W, & Y for approximately 5 years, and might need to be updated for travel into endemic areas
- Meningitis B*: This is a 2 or 3-shot series, given over a 1 to 6-month period. This is considered to offer protection against meningitis caused by serogroup B.
- MMR*: 2-MMRs are considered a lifetime vaccination*
- Polio*: The inactivated injectable Polio vaccination is considered a one-time adult booster for those who received the Polio series as a child.
- Rabies: This is a 2 or 3-shot series. For continued risk/exposure to potential rabies, titer levels may need to be checked per CDC recommendations to determine booster needs.
- Shingles: For people 50 years or older. Need CHS provider order.
- Tdap/Td* (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Acellular Pertussis): Recommended to booster every 10 years.
- Typhoid: This is available in either the oral or injectable vaccination. The oral vaccine is effective for 5 years, and the injectable vaccine is effective for 2 years (available only with a Travel appointment).
- Varicella* (Chicken Pox): For those who did not have chicken pox as a child, this is a 2-shot series. It is considered a lifetime vaccination.
- Yellow Fever: Needed for travel into countries of Yellow Fever transmission. One dose is considered a lifetime vaccination (available only with a Travel appointment).
If you have questions about immunizations, please contact the Campus Health Immunization Office at (520) 621-2292, your healthcare provider, or the Center for Disease Control & Prevention.
*Recommended vaccines for incoming students
- Hepatitis B Titer
- Measles Titer
- Mumps Titer
- T-spot blood test for TB screening or positive TB skin test
- Rubella Titer
- Tuberculosis (Tb) Skin Testing
- Varicella Titer
The University of Arizona requires proof of measles and mumps (MMR) vaccination for all students born after 12/31/56. To view the full requirements please visit the CHS Immunization Requirements page.
Upload your immunization records to PatientLink
Note: Once logged into PatientLink, click on Immunization Upload found on the bottom of the list on the left hand side.
College-Specific Requirements
College of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing students enrolled at the University of Arizona must meet expanded immunization requirements.
COM Students applying for away rotations should complete the personal information sections at the top of each page of the AAMC form and submit the form through the Campus Health Service Patientlink portal:
Important In order to avoid delay in receiving your signed AAMC form, please ensure all necessary documentation (ex. lab results, vaccine documentation) is uploaded to your chart.
- Login to the Patientlink portal with your UA NetID.
- Click Messages on the left menu.
- Click the New Message button at the top.
- Select "I'd like to submit an Away Rotation Form (College of Medicine)" and click Continue.
- Make sure you have completed the personal info sections of the form before attaching. Then click the Add attachment button and select your PDF file.
- When ready to send, click the Submit button.
A Campus Health nurse will complete, sign, and return the forms to the student via the Messages section in Patientlink within 2 business days. Students found needing further immunizations, serologies, or drug screenings in order to complete the forms will be contacted by our Immunization Clinic staff regarding their deficient requirements before the forms are signed and returned.
PLEASE NOTE: The Additional Comments section on the AAMC form is optional. If you want your FIT testing results included, you must upload a copy of your card to Campus Health Medical Records.
There is a charge for this service and it is based on the amount of time it takes nursing staff to complete the forms. The charges are as follows:
- $10.00 for 20 minutes
- $20.00 for 21 minutes and over
Students submitting in excess of 5 forms should anticipate a wait time of greater than 2 business days for their forms to be returned.
If your rotation form requires a signature for a physical, statement of health, or fitness to work you must make an appointment to see a physician at Campus Health.
If your college requires fit testing, we provide medical clearance to proceed with the fit testing process. There is a fee associated with this clearance. Some colleges cover this cost while some have the students pay the cost. If you have questions, please contact your instructor.
If your college requires you to complete a form, please complete the OSHA Respirator Evaluation Questionnaire Form and submit it.
The OSHA Respirator Evaluation Questionnaire Form is for those who have not ever been FIT tested.
The Campus Health Respirator Questionnaire is for those who have been FIT tested before.
To submit the form:
- Login to the Patientlink portal with your UA NetID.
- Click Messages on the left menu.
- Click the New Message button at the top.
- Select "I'd like to submit a Respirator Questionnaire" and click Continue.
- Then click the Add attachment button and select your PDF file.
- When ready to send, click the Submit button.
College of Veterinary Medicine students need to submit the following through PatientLink:
1. Measles, Mumps, & Rubella
Proof of two doses of the MMR vaccine or two doses of individual Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination OR a positive IgG serology proving immunity are required.
- The first vaccination must have an administration date that is on or after your first birthday.
- The second vaccination must be at least 28 days after the first vaccination.
- At least one set of the vaccinations must have been administered after 1979.
- Serologies with a result of 'Equivocal' or 'Negative' indicate 1-2 booster vaccinations will be needed in order to satisfy this requirement.
- For serologies, a copy of the official lab report must be submitted. The lab report must contain the numeric result and reference ranges for the diseases tested
2. Tdap
One documented dose of adult Tdap is required.
- A If the Tdap is more than 10 years old, a booster vaccination is required.
- Tetanus-diptheria (Td) can be used to satisfy this requirement as long as there is one documented dose of an adult Tdap on your record.
3. Rabies
A complete series (2 doses on days 0, 7)
- If you already have completed a rabies series and it was more than 2 years ago, a titer will be needed to determine if you need another dose of rabies vaccine.
Immunization FAQs
- For pricing of the various procedures and vaccinations, please call the Billing and Claims Office at (520) 621-6487.
- Due to recent changes in medical health plan policies, labs and immunization services may in some cases be considered third party requests and therefore cannot be billed to insurance. Labs and immunizations required for program entrance, work, and travel are third party requests. Students must pay for third party requests at the time of their visit.
- Campus Health offers a Student Discounted Rate for all vaccines and titers.
To upload your immunization record login to your PatientLink portal and sign in with your NetID and password.
In order to be seen at the clinic, a minor (under 18) must have a Consent to Treat Minor form on file with CHS. The form must be signed by the minor's parent or legal guardian. To submit the form, upload it through your PatientLink portal or fax it to 520-626-4301.
Please ensure that you have received ALL DOSES in the vaccine series before submitting your records.
You can upload your COVID-19 vaccination documentation to Campus Health here.
Proof of two doses of the MMR vaccine or two doses of individual Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccination.
If you have a blood test showing immunity Measles, Mumps, and Rubella that is also acceptable.
- Contact your physician's office
- Contact your high school or prior university
- Contact previous employers
- Contact the immunization information system (IIS) for the state you lived in as a child
If after checking these resources you still cannot locate your records, you have the following options:
- Re-vaccination
- Request an antibody titer (blood test) for Measles and Mumps from your physician
You can get your required vaccinations at the Campus Health Service or you may obtain them from your primary care provider, local pharmacy, community health clinic, or county health department.
If you have been admitted to the UA Online program and your Campus Location designation is 'Online' in UAccess then you do not need to submit your immunizations. If your campus location is 'Online' and you have an immunization hold on your account, please contact the Medical Records Office at 520-621-2384.
If you are a hybrid online, distance student, or taking online classes but have not been admitted into the UA Online program and your UAccess campus location is 'Main' then you must submit your immunizations.
There can be several reasons for this:
- Your record may indicate you only have one MMR and the requirement is two.
- Your record may indicate you received your first vaccination before your first birthday.
- Your record may indicate your second dose of MMR was not given at least 28 days after the first dose.
- There was no name on the immunization document you submitted.
- You entered your immunization dates in PatientLink but did not attach your immunization document.
- Your document may be missing the month, day, or year of your vaccination.
- Your document may need to be translated into English with western calendar format dates.
We accept immunization records from:
- your health care provider's office
- your high school
- your prior university/college
- copies of your baby shot book
- military records
- public health department records
Records must contain your first & last name, date of birth, and date (MM/DD/YYYY) of vaccination.
You may receive your immunizations in your home country, however the immunization documentation you submit to us must meet the following criteria:
- the name of the immunization must be translated into English
- the dates of the immunizations must be written in a Western calendar format (mm/dd/yyyy).