Services Offered
Physical Therapy
Our comprehensive physical therapy services including treatment of activity-related injuries, post-surgical rehabilitation, and treatment of chronic/overuse injuries.
Orthopedic Clinic
We help students with fracture/injury management and chronic injuries. An orthopedic surgeon staffs this clinic on Monday mornings and works closely with our sports medicine doctors and physical therapists.
Note: Patients must see a Sports Medicine provider first in order to be referred to this specialist. The specialist office visit copay will apply for billable commercial insurance. If you have an insurance that we cannot bill, we can offer an itemized statement through PatientLink for you to submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
Call (520) 626-6363 for more information.
Do you work with student athletes?
We help support our adaptive, club, and intercollegiate athletes, dance and other performance programs, and ROTC participants.